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41 votes

How to fix bathroom tiles falling off

It's a bit difficult to figure out from the photo but it appears that they stuck scraps of tile to the wall with compound and then simply stuck the finish tiles to that with more compound. NOT A GOOD ...
jwh20's user avatar
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30 votes

How to fix bathroom tiles falling off

You don't "pad out" a wall and then tile it. They had a couple of inches to work with. So stud the wall with 2x2 or 2x4's flat and cover with cement board, waterproof, then tile. It probably ...
JACK's user avatar
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20 votes

How to fix bathroom tiles falling off

Regarding the gap, baths almost never fit the space exactly. Apart from the obvious problem of building and preparing walls millimetre-accurately, if the bath fits the space too closely then you're ...
Graham's user avatar
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16 votes

Can I waterproof old drywall before battening it and then fixing cement boards in shower area for tiling?

Why do all this extra work? Just tear the drywall off and install cement board. Waterproof that and you're in better shape. I see no advantage to keeping the drywall and then add battens and all the ...
RMDman's user avatar
  • 42.7k
14 votes

Is mosaic tile a poor choice for a bathroom floor?

Mosaic tile is not a poor choice for a bathroom floor. Mosaic tile is harder to install than regular tile. Harder to cut, harder to lay out evenly, and harder to level. Find someone who is able and ...
jay613's user avatar
  • 45.4k
14 votes

Is mosaic tile a poor choice for a bathroom floor?

Mosaic tile looks nice, but it's HARD to clean. Mosaic tile has FAR more grout lines than large tile, and grout lines are MUCH harder to clean than the tile itself, both because the grout lines are ...
DavidBooth's user avatar
14 votes

Can I waterproof old drywall before battening it and then fixing cement boards in shower area for tiling?

This appears to violate good practice - you want only one waterproof layer so that the rest of the wall can dry. If you have two waterproof layers, water can be trapped in the wall. And if your idea ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 226k
9 votes

Is mosaic tile a poor choice for a bathroom floor?

No. Mosaic tiles can be an excellent choice for a bathroom floor. The 2x2 octagon/dot kind of tiles are popular in bathrooms. More often than not those types of tiles are especially suited to bathroom ...
gnicko's user avatar
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7 votes

How to fix bathroom tiles falling off

I disagree with some of the reasoning of the other answers. They should have furred out the wall. Everyone here agrees on this. They could have framed out more or just added shims/drywall layer......
DMoore's user avatar
  • 50.4k
7 votes

How to fix bathroom tiles falling off

TL;DR Five-spotting is a really bad practice. Per When installing large format tile, there must be at least 90% ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
  • 16.9k
7 votes

Is mosaic tile a poor choice for a bathroom floor?

If you make a tiled walk in shower with the drain in the center, for water to drain properly the floor needs to be sloped towards the drain. So you need the floor to be an inverted pyramid. With large ...
bobflux's user avatar
  • 10.5k
7 votes

How to hold large sandstone tiles to cement wall while glue cures?

Using PL (construction adhesive) is a mistake. Its "body" will not hold the tile like thinset does. Thinset is also a cementitious product, compatible with the base material. Set up 1 row a ...
Jack's user avatar
  • 37.4k
5 votes

Second Opinion on Tiling

This appears to be very shoddy workmanship. I can't tell a lot about how plumb the walls may or may not be but the wallboard has to be done properly in order to get good results once the tile is ...
HoneyDo's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I support a waste pipe between joists under subfloor?

Use the joists. I see a joist to the far side of the pipe, I assume there is one on the camera side of it too. Screw plastic or nylon straps between the joists, just taut enough to do what you want. ...
jay613's user avatar
  • 45.4k
4 votes

How to fix this backsplash tiling job?

For the tile spacing issue, I don't think there is much you can do at this point short of ripping it all out and starting over. For the tiles not set in plane correctly, I think you could carefully ...
trip0d199's user avatar
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If I buy only one tool between a tile cutter and a wet saw, which one should I buy?

I do not think I would do another tiling project in the near future. It may be best to rent or borrow a wet saw; Buy one on eBay; or sell your new one on eBay afterwards as a used item. (community ...
4 votes

Can I install Kerdi board just on the walls of my shower and use a PVC membrane on the floor?

That makes sense the installation video from Oatey says "wateproof drywall or cement board" but your kerdi board is waterproof too, so it's equivalent. Be sure not to screw through the shower liner--...
Jasen's user avatar
  • 24.6k
4 votes

Minimize inconsistent spacing for non-rectified tile

I doubt the tile pieces themselves are bad. You can confirm this by stripping them off one of the bad sheets, and stacking them to see if there is a size variation. More likely, the mesh sheets are ...
P2000's user avatar
  • 16.1k
4 votes

Installing tiles in a basement kitchen on concrete floor, existing kitchen in place, how can I tile under the existing cabinets?

Customarily, cabinets sit on the subfloor and the finished floor only goes up to/around them. Appliances can be moved, so you move those and replace the flooring underneath, but I have never seen ...
Chris O's user avatar
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How to turn this mess into a tileable surface?

Remove the backing. It's crumbling, and no support to anything. Cut it off at the edge of the cabinets, at least as far as the surface to be tiled. That appears to be a high-moisture location. Gypsum ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
3 votes

flattening exterior concrete landing

Yes you can screed material over the middle. I think that your question is the answer. That's what I'd do. Thin set will work, you could even do it at the same time as you are laying the tile. ...
freshop's user avatar
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3 votes

How to cover a rectangle with least number of convex polygons cut from sheets of given size

I suggest dividing the 3 m length into three even 1 m lengths. Then divide the 2.6 m width into two uneven lengths. If you want to minimize cuts I suggest 1.25 m and 1.35 m. These add up to 2.6 m. ...
Stanwood's user avatar
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3 votes

What are my options for tiling over an uneven concrete floor?

One option would to roughly fill the deep depressions with a relatively inexpensive mortar mix, and only then pull out the self-levelling stuff so you can use less of it.
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 226k
3 votes

preparing bathroom wall for tiling

It is not uncommon to see tiles glued straight onto plaster or wallboard but it is not a good practice, IMO. Even if you were to pursue that method, you would have problems due to the glossy painted ...
Jimmy Fix-it's user avatar
  • 36.7k
3 votes

Understanding why my shower hob is so high

The hob, or curb, lined with that rubber membrane you see there, exists to contain water. Imagine your drain gets a little clogged with hair like shower drains will do, and it starts draining slowly ...
paul's user avatar
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3 votes

What to use between tiles and door?

... is that just over the top and too visually intrusive? Yes, but that would be opinion; beauty is in the eye of the beerholder Why not silicone? Caulking would be better here (not necessarily ...
Jimmy Fix-it's user avatar
  • 36.7k
3 votes

Replacing sheetrock with greenboard after remodel

I don't think you need greenboard at all since this a kitchen and not a bathroom. The drywall is sufficient in a kitchen with tile. A kitchen doesn't generally have water soaking through the grout or ...
Micah Montoya's user avatar
3 votes

Tiling shower walls how and where to start

If both corners are equally visible the best way is to start in the middle plumb on center. As you get to the corner measure and cut to fill. The leftover peice is the size of your starter for the ...
Joe Fala's user avatar
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3 votes

Laying Stone on a unlevel concrete surface

I like it and it should get rid of that trip hazard door threshold. I'd stay away from the self-leveling anything and you don't want nor should now have level anyway. As you said, you just want to ...
Iggy's user avatar
  • 10.4k
3 votes

How can I remove excess tile mortar from grout lines?

Depending on your grout gap, an oscillating tool with a grout blade could work well. If your gaps are substantially wider, a narrow chisel might do the job. I'd avoid any rotating tool as you're ...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 149k

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