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Replace Leaking Y Junction Cleanout From Washer Drain Before Main Sewer Line

You will need to get the following: ABS glue/cement ABS coupling ABS wye or line cleanout short piece of ABS pipe (some box stores sell 2 foot sections) rubber coupling with gear clamps (fernco) ...
pdd's user avatar
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How can I fix this leaking connection in the heating system?

How can I fix this leaking connection undo it, don't use a union. But from your pics with the red handled valves having a stainless looking color, if those pieces are stainless (which I suspect they ...
ron's user avatar
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How can I fix this leaking connection in the heating system?

Here is a brass manifold similar to the "distributor component" with all the branch pipes coming off it in your picture: source Notice that the right end of my pictured manifold does not ...
Triplefault's user avatar
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How can I fix this leaking connection in the heating system?

Right way to do it is to cut water off and dissasemble connection then replace sealings/broken parts. You can try to tighten and hope to last till spring but i do not bet on that. Be prepared that any ...
k_z's user avatar
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How to fix this roof leak around the chimney

You don't show the roof, but the thing your roof needs (or the thing already on your roof that needs to be repaired/re-flashed) is indeed a cricket, and it diverts water from accumulating at the upper ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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Chimney cleanout full of water. Basement leaking

We had a similar problem with water coming out of the chimney cleanout. We more or less ruled out water coming from above so we excavated. Turns our there were some holes in the chimey foundation, ...
Edward's user avatar
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