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6 votes

How to stop or redirect water running across concrete floor?

In short, there is no way to seal that concrete atop rock. Concrete is porous, and has low tensile strength (though high compressive strength), so that water can burst though it. Plug one spot, and it ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
5 votes

concrete slab for shed base

2" concrete is not a good idea. 4" is the usual standard. That calculates to: 80 cubic feet 3 cubic yards 133 80 lb. bags Plus you need a base under it (not sure what's best - I see a ...
manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact's user avatar
4 votes

How to go about furring irregular concrete wall

Probably the best (easiest, least time consuming.) thing to do is to frame a wall out of 2x4s or 2x3s if you can find them in your location. Then set the frame against the concrete wall. You lose a ...
RMDman's user avatar
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4 votes

concrete slab for shed base

If you're buying bags of gravel and concrete mix, you'll find that they are around the same price. Gravel may even be a little more expensive than the equivalent weight of concrete mix. There's no ...
MTA's user avatar
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3 votes

How should I direct water away from my foundation and doorway? (Brick patio on concrete slab)

The proper solution would be to redo (part of) the patio and make sure it slopes away from the house. If that's not an option you can add a channel drain along the wall to catch the water and divert ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
3 votes

Shelves in concrete+drywall

You need not worry about the drywall assuming you anchor to the block. It can handle static compression which you get at the low end of the shelf bracket. (The high end is under tension, handled by ...
MadMonty's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a boom going on and when will it end?

I see three things going on with contractors and seeing some first handed... Most want bigger jobs. If you need a backsplash tiled or a basement dry-walled. It is tough to find a decent crew that ...
DMoore's user avatar
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2 votes

How to go about furring irregular concrete wall

In case RMDman's suggestion doesn't suit, here's how I'd go about mounting furring to the concrete. Any wood in contact with concrete should really be pressure-treated, though using something ...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 144k
1 vote

Demolishing Concrete Patio that Protects Foundation and Door Threshold

Here's what I ended up going with: I used a concrete saw (as mentioned by @RMDman) to cut a nice clean section around the door (which will function as a step). I then broke away the remaining concrete,...
nViz's user avatar
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1 vote

How to fix this outlet stub up through concrete?

They will have to knock a hole in the concrete big enough for the electrician to insert his box and then mud around it. Tell the electrician to get a PVC adapter if he needs a smaller pipe. He should ...
RatTent's user avatar
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1 vote

clear coat cement sealer for basement

I went with a Valspar "Protective Sealer" with a "Natural Look, Low Gloss". You can't even tell anything is on it until you throw water on it. The water beads up nice but if you ...
Jacksonkr's user avatar
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