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2 votes

How should this S Trap be setup to allow my sink to drain faster?

With the trap off, stick a bucket under the sink drain (now open) and pour water down. Does it drain fast? If so, snake the part after the trap. I.e. the vertical part going into the floor. You ...
mdfst13's user avatar
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How can I fix this plumbing where the PVC from the sink doesn't line up with the rough in?

A design would be much easier if you had a horizontal drain instead of vertical. Because you have a vertical drain out the base of your cabinet the challenge in redesigning your undersink plumbing is ...
HoneyDo's user avatar
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How should this S Trap be setup to allow my sink to drain faster?

The primary issue with your drain is that it is an S trap as @jsotola has pointed out. S traps are prohibited by code in the US and there's a good reason for it. The suction of water draining out of ...
HoneyDo's user avatar
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Does this P-Trap look correct? (Metal nut on PVC)

The trap looks a little dodgy, just a little. When they glue the pipes they're supposed to use a primer with the glue and this will usually make red or purple stains. (unless they're using the clear ...
Jasen's user avatar
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Bathtub too low/trap too high for waste kit, best option?

IF (and it does not seem likely here, but it's a common issue) the slip fit Tee is bottoming out on the trap adapter, you trim the end of the slip fit Tee to make it fit right, without trimming so far ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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