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41 votes

Architect drawing home addition by hand

I have worked in construction in Indianapolis, and this is my experience: Hand drawn drawings will not be rejected by the permit authority. I drew my own plans for the update to my home: Hand drawn, ...
Keeta - reinstate Monica's user avatar
36 votes

Architect drawing home addition by hand

No, a proper plan will include all measurements and you can be accurate enough by hand to create a to-scale plan. People have been building houses by hand-drawn plans for centuries (and without any ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
28 votes

Any problem to build a house that covers a same-sized hole in the ground?

Look at it as a start on a foundation hole - but don't get hung up on "making the house the same size/shape as the existing hole" because you can alter the size/shape of the hole when ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 226k
20 votes

Any problem to build a house that covers a same-sized hole in the ground?

You asked: Would there be any problem to build the wood house over the hole, so as to cover it? So I am going to make the following assumptions: You would like to personally build the house There ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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12 votes

Architect drawing home addition by hand

If your city required a CAD drawing to issue a permit, you'd have an issue - but that's not likely; they probably just want a drawing. Many places require that you submit the drawing in an electronic ...
batsplatsterson's user avatar
11 votes

Reconciling high ceilings with New England cold weather

Ceiling Fans Ceiling fans are most often installed to help keep cool in the summer but they can also help circulate the hot air in the winter. Some have adjustable blades to make them more effective ...
manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact's user avatar
10 votes

Architect drawing home addition by hand

I did an internship at an architect when I was in high school, many years back when computers were far less common and while they had one it was used only for calculating structural analysis, CAD didn'...
Tom's user avatar
  • 426
8 votes

How can I make a lightweight structure (sukkah) stronger and more windproof?

You have two separate issues. #1 is keeping the wind from taking it... because if the wind lifts it off the ground, it will get wrecked. This type of structure is not made to survive being a ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
5 votes

Standard measures for buildings in the US?

Ceiling height: 8 feet (nominal; 92-5/8" stud length plus 4-1/2" of plates), 9 and 10 feet less common (108" and 120" studs); vaulted ceiling peaks as room size and slope dictate Wall thickness: ...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 149k
5 votes

Any problem to build a house that covers a same-sized hole in the ground?

You don't say where you live but you will get things living down there. Rats, foxes, badgers for example. They will leave faeces and dead stuff. Make sure you have access steps and built-in lighting.
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
4 votes

What is the name of the architectural feature of a thin strip of roof on side wall connecting gabel end points?

As answered in the comments, it looks like this feature has a few names: Just an "eave", like any other eave on the house "eave return", or "full eave return" "...
4 votes

What pages should be included in a complete set of plans for residential construction?

You'll need more detailing No longer can you consider structure, sheathing, cladding, and finish as the only elements of an exterior wall. You'll need to have several more wall detail drawings: ...
ThreePhaseEel's user avatar
4 votes

What architectural roofing feature is this?

The building feature that you have indicated in your picture is designed in this case to provide an overhang over the front sidewalk. In this case the overhang provides cover during rainy conditions ...
Michael Karas's user avatar
  • 66.5k
4 votes

How can I make a lightweight structure (sukkah) stronger and more windproof?

Start by tying it to the railings. If your railings break, that's good, because it will keep them from breaking when your kids hit them, but I highly doubt that they are that fragile. That will ...
gbronner's user avatar
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4 votes

Is this a load bearing beam?

This gave me a chuckle. (No offense intended) Is the big steel beam running perpendicular to the joists a load bearing beam? It is a beam and the photo shows a load on it, floor joists, and all of ...
Alaska Man's user avatar
  • 13.7k
3 votes

How can I make a lightweight structure (sukkah) stronger and more windproof?

Tying to railings should work well. That has an advantage over weighting the bottom down because it is in the middle. I wouldn't be too worried about the railing breaking of it is built reasonably ...
manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact's user avatar
3 votes

How can I make a lightweight structure (sukkah) stronger and more windproof?

For rain shelter tents and similar things i have seen the four corners Tied down to very heavy objects. A rope is run from the top of each leg down to a container on the ground at the base of the leg....
Alaska Man's user avatar
  • 13.7k
3 votes

Standard measures for buildings in the US?

I’d read Architectural Graphic Standards. It has standard terms, dimensions, materials, etc. used in the design and construction industry for parking lots, wall construction, roofing, flashing, ...
Lee Sam's user avatar
  • 23.5k
3 votes

What pages should be included in a complete set of plans for residential construction?

In addition, consider a site grading plan. Depending on where you live, NOT have your land drain into your house is a good thing.
TWS's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the name of the architectural feature of a thin strip of roof on side wall connecting gabel end points?

Full cornice return is a fairly correct description (although it is more than just a return). We have used the term closed gable.
user120115's user avatar
2 votes

Building a house in sections over time

Assuming you have a floor plan that you like, there are 4 main issues: 1) Building Codes, 2) Planning Department, 3) CC&R’s, 4) utilities. 1) The Building Code requires certain building ...
Lee Sam's user avatar
  • 23.5k
2 votes

Planning a new roof for future roof mounted equmpment

"Roof mounted equipment" is very broad. Generally, though, the important characteristics of the equipment are its weight and its cross section. These affect the vertical load-bearing ...
Greg Hill's user avatar
  • 33.4k
2 votes

How to fit two full baths in this space?

This is the best I could come up with your criteria. I like your design much better. My drawing is very roughly to scale- I didn't spend too much time- I just wanted to see if there was a way to fit ...
Kyle's user avatar
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2 votes

How much will removing a bedroom affect my home's value?

If all you are talking about is removing some walls and doors (if they aren't structural components) then the value impact will depend on your local market, but the impact will not be more than the ...
NoSparksPlease's user avatar
2 votes

Specific name for this style of gable roofs?

It is a double roof structure or a type of Gable Roof, usually seen in regions with the tropical climate. The roofing material can be typical shingle or slate.
r13's user avatar
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2 votes

How would you use this space?

Beanbag TV lounge. Beanbags will fit. You can watch movies or play video games in there.
Willk's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I attach an interior wall between 2 trusses/studs?

You are correct: blocking is installed at intervals between the studs/trusses on either side, and the new wall framing is attached to the blocking.
kreemoweet's user avatar
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1 vote

How do you calculate the horizontal force created by a load hanging from hinges with a hinged bend (as in a hangar door)?

Assume: The two halves of the door are of equal length and weight. (L and W) Let Theta be the angle between vertical, and the upper portion, measured from the opening. Thus, when the door is closed, ...
Chris Cudmore's user avatar
1 vote

How many concrete piers do I need to support a tiny house (12x28 and 20feet high)

Given the size of the piers and their anchor depth and the fact that you can use metal (ibeam) cross beams, you can definitely do just 4. Remember when building on piers, more is not better (unless ...
DMoore's user avatar
  • 50.4k
1 vote

Can I hire non-licensed architecture firm for residential project?

No, you do not need a licensed and/or registered architect for a residential project in California. You can check with the State licensing agency. Here: The building ...
Lee Sam's user avatar
  • 23.5k

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