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adjust water level in toilet flush

I found some instructions here: Unclip the refill tube from the overflow tube. Rotate the float (the silver part) 1/8 turn counterclockwise to unlock it. Move it up or down to raise or lower the water ...
DIY75's user avatar
  • 19.3k
2 votes

How do I make this let less water in

You'll need to get up there or have someone else get up there and turn that knob that stems into the blue float counterclockwise. The knob will not move up or down but it will lower the float and ...
JACK's user avatar
  • 86.4k
2 votes

Could hot water from attic water lines cause deterioration of toilet flush valves?

I doubt the hot water is responsible for the leaking toilets. What's probably causing the problem is sediment from the re piping getting caught in the diaphragms of the flow valves and causing the ...
JACK's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I change this flush to a dual flush?

Well the rules during the last drought on the west coast was if it’s brown flush it down, if it’s yellow let it mellow! I am surprised I haven’t seen this slogan with the drought in the south west. I ...
Ed Beal's user avatar
  • 103k

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