I just looked inside of my sub-panel for the first time, which has ten single-pole tandem breakers. They all have two black wires connected, except for one breaker, which has a black wire and a red wire. These two hot wires (along with a ground and a neutral) go to the same room as part of a single Romex cable. One is for the furnace and the other is for the tankless gas water heater. I'm guessing the electrician wanted to save money by running just one Romex cable since the room is far away. Is this safe? Even when my water heater and the furnace are both running, they probably use less than 20A total combined. But technically this set up could feed more than 20A to the neutral wire, no?
If it's not safe, should I just replace the breaker with a single 20A circuit breaker (maybe with AFCI) and connect both hot's to that one, so as to guarantee the neutral never gets more than 20A?