The previous tenant at the place I’m currently living deliberately damaged some fixings and fittings, including breaking the side panel off the electric shower.
Is there a way to cover up this side panel, to make it safe?
Fortunately, the open side faces away from where water flows, so water is unlikely to get in directly. I realise water slashes, steam and condensation would get in.
The shower has stopped working (manual says it’s likely a solenoid or circuit board failure).
I’d like to know if the broken case could be repaired and made safe somehow - even a temporary fix - or whether the shower should be replaced.
I am not going to attempt to fix the shower’s electrical system or install a new shower myself. I will get an electrician to do that.
I have agreed to pay for the repair, and for the live-in landlady to pay me back. So I’d prefer the former, as it’d be a lot cheaper and I don’t intend to be living here long-term.
EDIT: I’m in the UK. I’m aware of what tenancy law here is, and whose responsibility are repairs, so I only require advice about whether there’s a safe way to repair that side panel, or whether the unit should be replaced.
UPDATE: The shower is being replaced with a new shower by an electrician.