The bottom hinge is under tension, which might be contributing to the squeaking. It may also be causing it to jam against the frame-mount at the rear. That looks twisted too.
Those hinges are a bit voodoo, but should be adjustable in at least two axes, sometimes three. Yours looks like it has height & left/right and the torx screw might be front/rear.
The bracket {curly brace} is where it's under visible strain. The red arrows are where the adjusters should be for height, L/R & F/R. These usually need Allen keys, but the only one I can see looks like torx, so you'll have to peer in to check.
You need to use some guesswork to figure out which combination of moves works best. First, I'd take the tension off the hinge, using the L/R ajduster at lower left. That looks like it's already pulled about as hard left as it will go, you can see the adjuster thread & threaded lower hinge post around it in the image.
Once it's out of that extreme tension, then you use the 3D navigation the three adjusters give you to best fit the door-frame. It looks like your top hinge has no adjustment [usually both are the same] so you'll have to make sure you don't put that under tension/compression if you adjust height on the bottom hinge.
BTW, the actual hinge itself is little more than a post that the height adjuster sits on, and is shoved around by the two lateral adjusters. You can see the bottom of the post as it goes around the L/R adjuster, so to lube it, you need to spray up the post from underneath [blue arrow]. Sometimes there's a nozzle point higher up, but the only point I can see looks like a pop to prevent the top adjuster coming right out, rather than an oil point.
The top hinge, conversely, is just open. Tiny spray anywhere near the top will penetrate the whole thing.