What I need: A secure way to connect a garden hose to a water pump using lead free adapters and/or connections. The pump output is 1/2" MNPT and is positioned approximately 3"-4" from the box frame. Pump can be moved horizontally but only max 1" in either direction. Technically speaking I could attach a 1/2" x 3/4" FIP x MHT Brass Flanged Threaded Sillcock Valve directly to the pump output and call it done. However that's not going to cut it for me. Using any sillcock valve or quarter-turn female hose bib is undesirable because of the flow restrictions imposed by the internal workings. A flange or mountable adapter is necessary to keep everything secure and wobble free. The daily movement of the heavy garden hose must be considered, hence the flange to mount such an adapter. This setup must be able to withstand at least 15 PSI.
What I tried: The pump manufacturer supplies a 1/2" Straight Barbed Fitting. I would attach a vinyl tube to the barb with a stainless hose clamp. The vinyl tube would feed through and hang approximately 3" outside of the box output. I attached a male hose mender to it with a stainless hose clamp. This did work, but over time the barbed fitting would deform from the pressure of the clamp and the male hose mender would not be stationary and it had to withstand the daily movements of the garden hose. This would transfer some stress to the pump's output threads. I don't have pictures of this setup. I did read this post but it doesn't help in my situation.
What I'm thinking: Using a straight ~2" to ~3" pipe (copper or PVC), one end of the straight pipe gets coupled to the pump output and the *other end gets connected to a termination fitting. (*Still trying to figure out this connection) The termination fitting is mounted on the outside of the box. I could then use a MNPT to MHT fitting to create the male garden hose output I need. The termination plate is held in place by four screws and keeps the piping straight and stresses off the plastic pump output. I can enlarge the hole for the box output to allow for any fittings necessary.
Other ideas: There is a rare adapter known as a Special Drop Adapter that is very close to what I am after. Pros - flanged for secure mounting. Cons - not lead free, requires sweating (trying to keep everything a threaded connection), wrong size, needs male thread output.
Am I overthinking this setup and completely missing a simple or common solution? Or are my needs really so unique that it requires some not-so-common adapters and jerry-rigging? I am open to any and all suggestions, improvements, tips, etcetera.