A 1/2" trowel is recommended for 6x36 tile - can i use a 1/4" trowel to minimize the finished tile height if tiles are fairly flat and can get 95% coverage?
This is for a curbless shower. Also the bathroom floor has been leveled.
The finished shower floor tile is a 1/2" above the bathroom sub floor. The bathroom floor 6x36" tile (i plane to lay next to the shower tile) is 3/8" including the square grid pattern on the back side.
I'm afraid that if i use a 1/2" trowel, the height of the 6x36" bathroom tile next to the shower tile will be too high next to the shower tile by about 1/4" especially since I'm using the the Rubi Level Quick system.
The Rubi strips have curved feet that do not fully flatten out under the tile imposing a minimum space of slightly under 1/8" (about 3/32") under the tile.
I was thinking that i could use a 1/4" trowel and maintain a 1/8" mortar bed under the tile with thicker back buttering and since the Rubi Level Quick strips impose a 1/8" space under the tile anyway. That should keep the height difference between the shower floor tile and the bathroom floor tile to a minimum.