Yesterday I mounted, on a solid concrete wall, a pull up gym bar that looks identical to this one:
After a lot of thinking I decided to attach it using a resin anchor from a local hardware store. I drilled 4 holes into the solid concrete, 80 millimeters deep and with a diameter of 1cm. I then cleaned and vacuumed the holes carefully and proceeded to inject the resin anchor inside the hole, after discarding the first 10 centimeters of product in order to allow it to mix properly. I then inserted an M8 threaded bar in each hole with a circular motion and left it to cure for 24 hours.
Today I fastened the pull-up gym bar onto the threaded rods with 4 nuts and started exercising. At first glance I must say that it feels very solid (I weight 65 kilograms, and the bar itself weights 10 kilograms).
However I'm now feeling a bit paranoid as I'm realizing that this installation is quite different from the usual stuff I did, since there is a lot of intermittent dynamic loads while I'm exercising. Also, I've read stories of people getting hurt after pull-up bar failures.
Do you think that the aforementioned installation with 4 M8 threaded rods, 80mm deep, is safe enough, or should I have used thicker bars and/or deeper holes?
Thank you in advance