The drain-plug in the sink of my bathroom vanity is made of a plastic base with a metal top (brass by the looks of it) that is chrome plated.
The chrome-plating developed some scratches which turned black over time (oxidation I presume).
My cleaning lady couldn't stand the eye-sore and got too enthusiastic with the polishing. She used Brasso copper-polish on it and managed to cut through the chrome-plating and through the underlying copper-plating as well. (You can see the yellow brass coming through just left and top of the center.)
That was last week. Now the exposed copper-plating is starting to go dark as well.
I can't easily get a replacement. This plug was made by a factory that went bankrupt 10 years ago.
It is a peculiarly shaped part of the whole faucet and drain assembly on the sink. (Faucet has a lever at the base which pushes the drain-plug up from below when the drain is closed. The plug itself is a seperate part, but the plastic base goes 3" into the drain where it sits on top of the lever. The metal top is glued or epoxied to the plastic base. I can't separate top and base without damaging the base.)
To make matters worse the plug is a non-standard size, in between the standard small and large drain-plugs. I can't just put in a standard rubber plug. This also makes replacing the whole drain-faucet assembly a problem due to non-standard sizes.
The wife is really starting to nag me about the eye-sore... Something needs to be done.
So, my best idea so far is to refinish the metal cap. I have never done anything like that so what are my options?