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Can someone help me identify these rough-in pipes in my basement?

I recently purchased this home and am interested in figuring out what these pipes are for, if not a rough-in. I have a 3" pipe coming from slab at exactly 13" from wall on center. Then three ...
JSess's user avatar
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Foundation flooding caused by new septic line

We've been living in our house for 10 years, and a few years after moving in our sewer line began backing up every 6 months or so. Each time, we'd have to pay a plumber to come in a "roto root" or ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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Septic Tank backed up into the basement. What now?

We had a flash flood over the weekend which caused the septic tank to overflow, spilling vile sewage water into my parent’s house while they were away. There was about 2 inches of water and most of it ...
Zaitsev's user avatar
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Septic vented into basement - newly smelly

It appears that the vent for gasses from our septic system, which I've learned through googling normally comes out of the roof, is instead just a 2 inch pipe extending two feet up from where the waste ...
E. Frome's user avatar