We had the same problem. I'd offer the following steps
- To test the water line itself (to delineate it from a water filter issue) we placed the original cap back on the water filter mount in the fridge. If the water is still slow, the issue is in the water line.
Our water line was fine (per test #1 above)
- To test the water filter, we placed the water filter back.
The water as once again slow.
- We then tried a new water filter of the same variety.
After getting the air out, the water was again slow.
- to test water filter mounting (on the refrigerator), we took a spoon and press one of the water trigger buttons to see if it was unblocked. Then we tested the second water trigger button.
-Red Arrow pointing to water trigger buttons
Both the water trigger buttons on our water filter worked (that is they spouted plenty of water when pressed with a spoon).
- Test that the water filter is actually pressing hard enough against the water filter mount on the fridge to trigger the water buttons. To do this we place three very small rubber bands (the kind you use for braces) on our water filter around the mounting circular flange and flush against the "screw" band that allows you to tighten the water filter to the filter fridge mount.
BINGO! The water filter then worked flawlessly with lots of water coming out.
-Blue arrow on rubber band.
-Red arrow on circular mounting flange.
-Goal is to use rubber band as a spacer to allow the water filter to screw further in (and thus harder against the trigger water buttons on) the refrigerator mount.
This completely fixed our slow water filter issue and the characteristic "moaning" noise it was making. Hope that helps,