I have a residential living space above a detached garage in central Texas. The structures were built in the 1998-2000 timeframe. There is a circuit on which a series of outlets stopped working recently, so I located a GFCI outlet in the bathroom which is the link in this chain that's causing the outage.
I bought a new GFCI outlet with plans to change it out, but while isolating the breaker in the external box, I discovered that this series of outlets in the garage and the living space above it are on a circuit shared by swimming pool equipment. The specific breaker is a double-pole with two 60A breaker components joined with a single, bridged trip mechanism.
Is there any problem replacing the existing GFCI outlet with a 20A rated GFCI if it is served by one wire of this 60A double-pole circuit breaker? I believe it's more common for the amperage rating of the outlet to match that of the circuit, no?
Photo of the circuit breaker that disables the bathroom and garage outlets is attached for reference.