Our most recent power roof vent wasn't working, so the roofer installed a new one. I don't recall these being so noisy though. I can hear it on my porch and inside my house. We've always had one in previous houses. Should I hear it inside the house?video of power vent

1 Answer 1


Power down the fan and check to see if the fan installation brochure is still attached to one of the fan blades with a rubber band. Happened to me once, and I am not kidding. It vibrated the whole house, and the $%#@*& roofer left the job site with it running like that.

If that's not the problem, it sure sounds like a dry bearing. What does the roofer say about it?

  • I could have guess the bearing or out of balance or loose mounting, but the instructions held on by a rubber band. Hope no kids with sensitive ears were around.
    – crip659
    Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 17:28

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