I am in the process of replacing my reverse osmosis (RO) system. Everything went OK until when I installed the feed water supply provided by the RO company.
I installed the provided feed water supply then installed the existing cold water supply line above it. I didn’t see leaks right away but I put a thick piece of cardboard just in case and left it overnight.
When I woke up this morning I do see just a small water line (picture) and when I run my finger around the cold supply line I see some water on my finger. I previously attempted to remove the supply line, put some Teflon/plumber’s tape around the threading of the feed water supply, then tightened it. But each time I see the same thing. Just very little almost negligible leak.
I’ve attached pics - screenshot of the feed water installation and my under the sink where the small leak on the cardboard is circled.
Can I just leave it alone and install anyway?
Feed adapter taken from the manufacturer's installation video:
My installation showing the location of the leak on the cardboard: