Started seeing these in my patio door frame, any idea what these are? Location: NJ


  • 1
    Was this today, early Feb, in the middle of the snowpocolypse of 2022?
    – FreeMan
    Commented Feb 4, 2022 at 14:06
  • @FreeMan I started seeing them back in December. Are these mosquitos?
    – positron
    Commented Feb 4, 2022 at 16:18
  • 2
    Look like fruit flies to me, but that's just a SWAG. Bug identification has officially been declared ON-topic over at The Great Outdoors. If you don't get a response here, they may be able to help.
    – FreeMan
    Commented Feb 4, 2022 at 16:26
  • 1
    Well with the rest of the country having snow my area has been warm and those look like mosquitoes, possibly a bit early unless they had a warm place to grow.
    – Ed Beal
    Commented Feb 5, 2022 at 7:42
  • I had similar insects on my outer door,could be gnats.That was the most likely answer after searching for an hour. Commented Aug 16 at 1:31


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