I've had a thermostat(2xAAA powered) for my gas heater wired via two wires from the second to first floor.
My question is I'm looking into the actual wire that is in the wall and it looks like either an alarm/Ethernet cable that was used.
I would want to upgrade to a smart thermostat but most seem to need a power to be fed to it. Can't really find anything battery powered to align with what is actually already set up.
I found some info on the cable imprinted ELAN A.F. CEI 20-22 III CEI 36762 C-4 (U0=400V)
searching around found some kind of a certificate perhaps detailing more about the cable from the manufacturer
Cert PDF. It has 8 color coded cables inside apart from that I really don't know if it can handle for example live current to power a thermostat?
If the wires are potentially too thin. Maybe using the rest 6 unused cables in pairs so that the current flows through not a single but multiple? I don't really know if electricity works like that sorry.
Just thinking of ways if this cable can be re-used for a potential upgrade or do I need to possibly look into a different solution?