Eventually I plan to put in a subpanel and transfer switch or circuit-breaker interlock for several house circuits to run from my generator, with all permitting and inspections. But as a temporary measure until covid is over, would the following be OK, as a 'poor man's transfer switch'?
Remove the desired circuit cables (some Romex, some two-conductor armored) from the circuit panel and terminate them in junction boxes with inlets sized for the amperage of the circuit, mostly 15-Amp, so NEMA 5-15(?)
connect the emptied circuit breakers to appropriately-sized Romex and outlet boxes.
Connect the inlet to the outlet through very short extension cords (plug and socket with a foot of SJOOW cord).
This setup would be repeated for each circuit I wanted to be generator-capable.
For times where generator or inverter power is needed, unplug the cord from the inlet and plug in the cord from the generator or inverter.
The setup would be quite similar to the answer by 'Harper - Reinstate Monica' here https://diy.stackexchange.com/a/168326/140350 except it is for entire house circuits: lights, outlets, the fridge, furnace, etc, instead of a single feed to one outlet.
Is it still permissible to put both the outlet and inlet in one box, per Harper's answer?
Will this temporary measure need to be inspected too, in order to be legal?