A contractor replaced my subpanel with a new one, and will come back for other work and inspection. (Old subpanel is Federal Pacific.) My home is in California, built in early 1980s. The subpanel is in the attached garage, feeding everything in my home except AC.
I noticed that my subpanel is fed with 3 wires (hot, hot, neutral).
- Does this mean my home is not properly grounded?
- Is it a code violation to replace the subpanel without fixing grounding?
- The contractor recommended connecting subpanel to a new ground rod without adding a 4th wire. That appears like a bad idea based on another question on this site. What's the right way to fix this?
- When I put a voltage meter between hot and ground bar of the new subpanel, it shows approximately 120V. Is that expected when the panel is not connected to ground feed? How do I verify that ground and neutral are not accidentally bonded in the subpanel?
Photos of the inside after replacement: (In the photo, breaker is not properly set up for MWBC. That will be fixed. Please ignore.)