I'm trying to replace a single-pole switch with a z-wave switch. I'm new to electrical stuff, I understand a little of the terminology just from reading the black & decker wiring book.
I turned of the circuit at the panel, verified with a voltage tester that it was dead, removed the wall plate and pulled the wires out of the box.
Pictures are here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nathanfarrar/sets/72157655557755759
There are 3x cables coming into the box: 1 on bottom and two on top. It looks like:
- all three grounds are twisted together
- all three neutrals are twisted together
- two of the hot cables are twisted together and pigtailed to a switch terminal
- the other hot cable goes to the other switch terminal
I'm not sure why there are three cables since this is just a single switch going to a single light. There is an outlet on the wall below, maybe that has something to do with it?
I'm trying to figure out exactly how I should connect this new switch up. Any advice (geared towards a complete novice) would be much appreciated, and definitely any basic/generic/practical/troubleshooting advice & suggestions would be a great help.
Per bib's advice, I tested the individual lines ... and drew up how it is, and how I think the circuit should be rewired with the new switch:
I have some wall-nuts (push connectors), but no electrical wire ... I'm not sure what to get for wire ...
Edit 2:
Wiring it up, hopefully I'm not doing stupid things. First time I've done this, so I probably am.
Edit 3: Wheeeeeee, it works!