I want to move a non-bearing 2nd floor bathroom wall about 2.5 feet to make the space bigger for a bathroom remodel . The wall is currently over a matching bathroom below so the walls previously carried through to the foundation.
The wall is 5.5 feet long and the ideal location would place one side 4 inches from a 2x10 joist running parallel to the wall. The underlying joist span is the same 5.5 feet. I calculated the wall weight with tile and all at about 390 lbs, or 8.8 psf, 70 plf. Adding blocks between the joists to bolster the 3/4” plywood wood take a lot of work but it would not be hard to move it over closer to, or on top of a joist. Not sure how the wall dead load gets distributed, and if I am safe.
Would either location work and will the joist(s) support this extra dead load?