I am replacing a line-voltage outdoor lamp. The old lamp was screwed directly onto a length of 1/2" metal conduit coming up from the ground. Whoever put this together originally just twisted the wires together and taped them, and shoved the results down into the conduit. There is no space inside either the new or old fixture to put wire nuts. I seem to think that I've seen fixtures atop conduit along paths before, but of course my visual memory is not perfect. The alternative that occurs to me is to add a box (or perhaps just a conduit body) atop the conduit to make a place to put proper wire nuts.
Alternatively, one might be able to persuade wire nuts for #14 wire to fit into the conduit by putting them down there one-at-a-time. What's a good practice that conforms to code here?
You can see the new fixture https://www.build.com/kichler-15205/s869822?uid=2221476&null.
The old fixture is not materially different.