I have a ~600-foot well that provides water to my house. About a year ago, I adjusted the pressure switch to increase the water pressure in my home. It was set to 20/40 (Cut-in/Cut-out), which was horrible water pressure, but only one person lived in the house then. When I made the adjustments, I set it to 60/80 for a household of 5. We also have a small holding tank fed from the blue well pressure tank. There is a filter between them, so the pressure drops a bit, and the best I could get on that holding tank's gauge was ~65 PSI. See diagram 1 for setup and flow description.
My problem is that my switch seems to have adjusted to the 45/65, causing low-pressure issues throughout the house. This includes only running one appliance (dishwasher, washing machine, shower, toilet, etc.) at a time, or it takes forever to fill. My question is my pressure switch going bad because it adjusted itself back down to 45/65? (and possibly lower as time goes on?) If not the pressure switch, what other culprits could it be? Another question is, how could I set up a better flow/system if diagram 1 is a poor design?
Diagram 1: Well Water > Pressure Tank > 20 Micron Filter > Holding Tank (100 Gal.?) > Filter 5 Micron > Water Sofener > House Tap Water (Est. 45-55 PSI)
Side note: I understand that running at higher PSI may cause earlier failures, but I need to have a higher PSI cause I have a house full of girls. I also understand that each filter/softener lowers the PSI to the overall house.
Update: My best guess the Pressure Tank is a 36-gallon tank. (Small/Medium blue tank). My best guess on the holding tank size is an 80-gallon steel tank. We do not have any chemical injectors, just a water softener that is pretty old. (Looking to replace this in the future.) The pressure was probably set to 50/70, not 60/80. As 80 seems too high, the more I think of it. Piping is 1 1/2 inch to pressure tank tee then drops to 1 inch. It then is reduced to 3/4 inch going up to the filters. (I want to re-plumb all this to 1-inch pex to get the max flow through the filters and softener, then drop down the 3/4 and 1/2 for the house