#1,#2 I am not sure if I want to go up to the ceiling since the ceiling is not level :-( That is something that I missed. Is it an option to go level with the tiles up to the lowest point and then to try to mud the ceiling to make it join the tiles level ? If this is not an option what options do I have ? Aluminium edging ? Bull nose tiles matching the tiles I have ? If I go to close to the ceiling that is going to accentuate the ceiling error. If I go to low I will leave too much drywall exposed to the water in the shower area
#3 on this edge do I need any trimming or it is enough to finish the tiles 1/8" close to the perpendicular wall and grout that ?
#4 this will be a grout line, I don't think anything else is recommended here
#5 outside corner -should I miter or should I use aluminum?
#6 #7 do I need a trim here ? I don't think so but I am just asking to make sure the exposed edges of the tile near the window will get covered by the window trimming (the window is white vinyl set in a plywood frame)
#8 #9 #10 not sure what to do here The wall is cinder block, internal wall dry like a bone. The drywall sits straight on it nothing in between (screwed with tapcons) My initial plan was to set this flush with the drywall and avoid any finishing on the #8 and #9 edges but then I realized that I will have a problem at #10 as there will be a tile baseboard made of the same tile as the floor. I can't set the tile baseboard flush with the drywall either because that will force me to do that all around the room and in some places it is not possible
So what would you do here ?
Update: here is how much my ceiling is out of level and where, across the 1 and 2 edges. All the lines are straight though even if they are not level