I messed up and wired the white wires to my single pole switch, joining the black. Obviously the Black should be on the switch and the white joined
When I turn the breaker on the light stays on. However, the circuit should be broken with the light switch to ground off. Will an AC light still work with the hot direct wired, or does this mean it's grounding somewhere else?
The wire from the switch to the ceiling light is old wiring that goes through the ceiling. I was hoping to just reuse the wire from the switch to the light, and ignore the other 3 that come into the ceiling box. Those other should be disconnected since we did a remodel upstairs, removed a bunch of wires, and I ran all new home runs for the rooms up there.
I've run a new wire from the breaker, to a junction box, and then to this switch. So that's pretty straight forward. I'm just concerned about fixing the switch to be connected to black instead, but having the wire still short somewhere else. I was under the impression the light would turn off when I flipped the switch, you could just shock yourself while changing the light bulb.