I'm upgrading from a failing ecobee smart thermostat to an ecobee3. The ecobee3 requires all wires for the components it controls to be run all the way to the thermostat (including humidifiers, dehumidifiers, etc).
I currently have 5 wires running to the unit, but I need the following for my setup:
- R
- G (fan control)
- Y1 (single stage cool)
- W1 (single stage heat)
- W2 (second stage heat)
- C (constant power for thermostat)
- ACC+ (humidifier)
- ACC- (humidifier)
Since I will be pulling new wire, I want to ensure I future-proof as much as possible for any future components I may add (such as a dehumidifier).
What thermostat wiring should I buy to get the maximum number of wires from the control board to the thermostat? What gauge/specs/etc?
I found 18/10 "sprinkler" wire on home depot's website. I also see that they have 18/8 thermostat wiring. Wondering what my options are and if it ever makes sense to run 2 sets of wires (such as an 18/8 and another 18/8).