There's some spots on my vinyl siding that have gotten dirty. Unfortunately these spots are pretty high up-- about 15-20ft up. What are the best way to clean these spots? Would a power washer aimed up at the siding be a good idea?


2 Answers 2


I use a brush and pole for washing RV's. The pole is a telescoping one usef for painting. I stand on a tall stepladder and the combination can reach pretty high. Lowes had the RV brush. So I spray on some soap, brush, and then rinse.


I have used a power washer with a long handle, however the one I use is a commercial model, and might be more powerful. The only problem is with a pole, the side to side movement won't allow you to apply to much pressure on the head. Plus the over lapped siding won't allow a up and down movement.

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