There are 2 sets of 2x6x12s creating a beam under my 2nd story deck. One set has started to separate on one end. What is the best way to halt the separation and/or repair? Separation covers about 4 ft, maybe 1/4 inch at max. I picked up 2 sets of 1/2 inch bolts, washers, locking washers and nuts. Are there other options, parts needed? If just the bolts, what is the best way to place them?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


So, this is improperly nailed together and coming apart. Drill holes on the vertical centerline for your bolts, and assemble them with fender washers and lock-washers and nuts. Use stainless steel or hot galvanized steel hardware.

Space about 2 feet apart, at an experienced guess. Or hire an engineer for not a guess; they would probably advise on improving the beam to post joint as well. Or do one every joist bay above, whatever your joist spacing is (probably less than 2 feet.) Tighten them all gradually, rather than cranking one tight and moving to the next.

As mentioned in a comment by @quill, what appears to be white-sheathed interior NM cable is a code violation for exterior use. Gray-sheathed UF or W-rated wires in conduit are required for outside wiring.


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