I discovered my house kitchen vent doesn't actually vent anywhere. Since I cook a lot of Chinese food, it means the air is always oily.
I bought a brand new high-powered ceiling fan, pulled out the old unit and and installed this with the help of an electrician. The plan was to drill a 6" hole directly above, which is an attic crawl space, then to add another 10 feet of horizontal 6" pipe to let it vent out a horizontal wall of the house.
But in trying to make a 6" hole above the cabinet, I found that directly above the vent is huge ceiling beam, that is 3" wide and probably 8" tall. I really don't want to cut this beam, especially as it appears the entire cabinet is hanging under this.
So, if I send the 6" ducts directly up, they are met by this huge wooden beam cutting through 3" of it. There is only about 3" free space one side of the beam where I could go around it.
If I redirect the pipe anywhere but directly up, it requires making the pipe visible and sending it through multiple walls to the outside; something the wife won't agree too.
I think I could crush some bendy vent pipe to fit, but worry that would reduce the air flow significantly:
What I think I need to get around this problem is some kind of fixture that is similar to this vaccuum attachment (pictured), going from a circular shape to a broader shape:
It there any adapter that goes from 6" inch circular duct to something like a 3"x12" wide shape and back, so I can fit it around the giant beam, without having a loss of air flow?