I have a pocket door that was installed about a year ago and that frequently sticks. The contractor who installed it has made about three repair attempts. He will do something to it (I haven't been able to be there when he fixes it). It will then work for a while, then a few weeks later it starts sticking again. The sticking seems to come from it not hanging level causing the base of the door to catch on the threshold.
Looking at the door it hangs on two rollers, and the height on each hanger can be adjusted by turning a bolt. I think what the contractor is doing is adjusting the bolts on the rollers. There is nothing stopping these bolts from turning once they are adjusted - I can turn the one in the photo with my finger if there is no tension on it (there is no tension because the door sticks on the other corner). This seems wrong - the videos I've seen of people fixing pocket doors include a locking tab of some kind that you put in place after adjusting the bolt so that it can't work its way loose again. You can also see a locking tab in this other stackoverflow pocket door question.
I'm suspicious that a piece of the hardware was left out during installation and this is why the fixes the contractor makes don't last long.
My main question:
- Is there a piece of hardware missing here?
Bonus questions:
Can anyone identify what part number this is so I can find the installation instructions?
If it's not meant to have any additional locking tab, what is supposed to stop the nut from working loose - should it have threadlock on it?