The top of my windows are above the roof overhang and I want to install soffits without blocking the window.

It's a single story house with high windows. I want to cover the underside of the overhang.

Can the soffits be installed at an angle?

  • It's installed at an angle on every rake (gable overhang) in the modern world. :)
    – isherwood
    Commented Nov 11, 2022 at 22:10

1 Answer 1


Sloped soffits are fine:

enter image description here

Image: https://www.renovate.org.nz/1970s/roofs/eaves-gables-and-guttering/

Some consideration should be given to fire safety, which depends on the risk in your area:

Use flat, horizontal soffits (see Figure 3) instead of attaching the soffits to the sloped joists, which creates sloped soffits. A flat soffit reduces the potential for entrapment of embers and hot gases.

Ref: https://www.firesafemarin.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/fema_p_737_fs_6.pdf


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