The Origin bifold doors we have to the garden have been a little bit fiddly since we moved in.
Sometimes the locking mechanism (turn handle up) would stick and it required a lot of strength to lock. It has got to the point where it is not possible to lock it any more.
At the beginning I thought it was consequence of the door being a little bit misaligned - it leaves a tiny gap on the top when closed, but after carefully examination it seems to be all related to the locking mechanism in the door itself, not the frame.
One of the latches won't come out as it hits the metal inner plate. It is a bit loose (as they are the other latches) and pushing it upwards a bit with the finger and locking the door (with the door open) makes it come out ok. It basically hits the metal plate on the bottom.
I have tried fixing the screws along the plate with the latch out just in case it was a matter of getting the plate a little bit deeper, but that has not helped. Any ideas how can I try to fix it? Would the whole lock mechanism need to be changed? or the metal plate moved ?
As recommended in the comments I have filed the latch and now comes out of the door without problems, however the door still struggles to lock. So I guess I need to align the gap on top. Included new pictures showing the way the door attaches to the wells in the rail.
The new question is - how can I adjust the door to align it? It doesn't looks clear where is an screw/bold I can tight