This is a new subpanel in a workshop and the electrician told me because it's new all circuits have to be AFCI and because it's an outbuilding it should be GFCI too.
So, I purchased these breakers in 20 and 15 amps, 20 for outlets, and 15 for the lights. My first issue was trying to run saws off the 20 amp and it would trip every time so I swapped that for a normal breaker (top left) and everything worked fine. Today I installed a single brand new LED light on the 15 amp circuit and the same thing, it would trip every time I turned on the light. Swapped that for a normal 15 amp and the light works fine.
Two different circuits, same panel, different loads, same result. Is there something I'm missing that is causing these to not work?
*** I know there isn't a ground rod yet, I have to run the wire from the outside in but I don't think that would affect this, right?