What kinds of inexpensive wood siding, suitable for a shed, are commonly available in the U.S.? I checked Lowe's and Home Depot, but all they had was a single type of barn-style shiplap. I had expected more of a selection.

1 Answer 1


T-111 is pretty much the standard for that kind of stuff. What kind of a look are you going for? You could always sheath it with OSB and put anything you want on top of that (vinyl, clapboard, etc.)

  • T1-11 is plywood with grooves? Commented Jul 22, 2010 at 12:33
  • 1
    @Vebjorn - yes, it's the lapped plywood with vertical grooves. Typically it's made of OSB and "stamped" on the outside with the grooves and a "natural wood" like pattern (and often pre-primed as well) Commented Jul 22, 2010 at 12:53

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