Some form of squirrel or chipmunk has been hanging out in my basement. The exterminator placed some glue traps on the ridge formed by the cinder (cement?) blocks, and the critter got into them. He was strong enough to get off of them, albeit with some hair loss. But based on this (and the corresponding hole in the dirt outside), we think the animal is getting in through this gap - between the foundation of the original house, and the circa ~2001 addition.
I'm in the process of digging up the flower bed outside to put steel grating over the area, but I am not sure how sane this approach is - I cannot access anywhere near the other side of this hole, because a cement porch is over top of it.
I've taken three pictures to try to give the best idea of the area.
Can you point me in the right direction to seal this up from the inside as well?