We just moved into a new rental house, and have had some immediate problems with the washer.
Yesterday, during the 2nd load we'd run, the drain hose detached from the standpipe and unloaded the whole load's worth of water onto the floor. Here is a picture of what it was hooked into (not very pretty):
That's a bunch of duct tape attached to a PVC pipe.
I'm wondering how should I proceed in diagnosing and fixing what the problem is here.
Aren't you supposed to leave an air gap in this connection? It seems like the previous fixer tried to make it air-tight. Could that be the problem?
Or could it be blockage in the drain pipe that could cause some buildup of pressure? Or maybe the hose just...fell out? (Seems unlikely with all the duct tape)
Any ideas on how to diagnose what's happening and proceed would be greatly appreciated! It would be awesome to get back to washing our clothes.