I just replaced my garbage disposal following the instructions from a youtube video. I followed the instructions which to summarize were: 1. Flip the breaker to off 2. Switch the garbage disposal unit. 3. Turn the breaker on. 4. Test the garbage disposal.
The problem I had was when I turned the garbage disposal on there was a small pop and flash and the garbage disposal unit did not work. I'm assuming this had to do with the way I rewired the garbage disposal. When I rewired the disposal I tighten the ground and rewired black on black and white on white. I got the exact same model as the one I replaced and did the exact same thing as the existing installation. My assumption is the garbage disposal unit is fried although when I switched the power switch to on it made a noise as if it was going to work. Does anyone believe the same? Also, will I have to replace the hardwire. How can I tell if this still works? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.