I was drawing a diagram of cable runs through my 1920s house as I am planning to replace knob and tube with romex. Some are completely buried in the walls so there's some guesswork involved. As I was in the attic, I was confused by several seemingly nonsensical runs - some through the joists below, some along the rafters, and what I found as I was testing current and shutting off circuits one-by-one, is that some cable is neutral-only. It has the cloth jacket, and a prior electrician created a run of new Romex that only joins the cable to white (all other cables were not joined, they weren't even capped!).
I am guessing that there is no reason to keep the wire runs this way, and I can completely redraw the plans to keep the wire runs with a single cable? Is this just an artifact or a history of wild electricians doing whatever feels right?