I'm considering partial electrical backup incase of power failure.
Considering a solar solution.
My power company tells me my usage per month is 60.0 kWh
So I assume me daily usage is on average about 60/30 = 2 kWh. Does that make sense?
So I need a battery that can store 2+ kW and a charging source that supply the same daily.
Gotta a feeling I'm way off.
Given I use 60 kWh per month - what kind of capacity do I need?
I misread the bill.
My average DAILY usage ranges from 10-50 kWh - i guess the major factor is AC. During the winter months it's 10 kWh avg daily.
Regardless, let's say I plan for 20 kWh max daily (not using AC) - so what kind of setup do I need.
Also, I'm doing an emergency backup only (furnace + fridge + some lights) - so let's say I need 10 kWh daily. I will find the actual numbers using a watt meter - but let's use that as a starting point.
Apologies for the misread - but the above number seems to be a fair starting point.