I have a pretty new high efficiency York furnace. Multi-stage NG unit.
First good cold snap last night. At 6:45 AM we get a message from our smart thermostat saying the temp has dropped 3 degrees even though we're asking for heat. The furnace is flashing with a slow red light, code: "This indicates that flame was sensed when there was not a call for heat."
I'm wondering, is it possible this is just a bad flame sensor? Is that sensor a seasonal clean-it thing? All I've been doing since getting this system is putting a little compressed air on the electronics, in and around the burners etc. I could take this sensor out and see if it looks dirty but whole unit is 1.5 years old. Is it not worth the risk for something like the gas valve potentially leaking and should I just replace it? I DID check for smells of leaking and didn't smell anything. I simply restarted / power cycled the furnace and all was well.
Not interested in "call an hvac company" - where I live they are a long ways out on schedules even for emergencies. I already tried the big 3 in my area. No returned call or text from any of them. I think i can figure this out myself, just looking for advice from others with more experience.