This is inside a 1997 Schult mobile home.
I'm fixing a leak inside the wall.
Replaced all the connectors (adding shut-off valves in the process). Still getting a small leak from the center connector.
Went to replace the faucet and discovered two things:
- The arrangement of the pipes in our old faucet is not standard (it's an "A" shape, like an upside down "V") -- whereas the standard faucet nowadays have all 3 connections in a straight line. So I used an oscillating multitool to enlarge the middle hole, no problem.
- Now the faucet fits inside but the connectors on the new faucet are SHORTER than the original; and the nuts on it are taller (we dropped one of the original nuts inside the wall while taking out the old faucet), and after all is said and done, there is not enough connector left to fully screw in the swivel elbow connector.
I am guessing the wooden board that is on top of the drywall is there for extra support.
Can I just replace it with an aluminum board which would be thinner?
Or is there a better way to handle this?
I called the mobile home parts store and they didn't have a faucet with longer connections.
Do I need to attach the aluminum board to the drywall or the nuts on the two faucet connections be enough to hold it all together?
I made a mounting bracket from a 2 inch aluminum bar, and mounted it.