To get a specific type of texture is one of the toughest jobs.
first you need to hide any marks sometimes This requires fading a patch in over a foot or more. You have a small orifice small pull wet spatter on my gun.
Probably did not help at all. Mud guns have different sizes of orifices this kinda denotes the max size of the detail.
then there is pull back how much mud can enter the area and get picked up by the air stream how heavy or thick it is.
so you have a small orifice with not much pull back or not much mud can flow last it has no shape so it was shot wet this takes time and even then I mis give a trial shot and adjust when I get it close enough I work from the bare center putting dow a slightly heavy coat moving our further away and quick to fade the new and old together.
There are cans of texture if an orange peal and a small job I won’t get my gun dirty I will buy a can but if a heavy spatter or large area its cans don’t do well there, I have only used the cans a few times and don’t remember much variety, to get a good match you need a mud gun and some practice, mud is cheap, I bought an all plastic gun a long time ago it was fairly cheap under 75? But 1 time not cleaning or using hot mud the cheap and even a 300$ gun can be ruined.
Some may try to use a sponge that won’t look right with your existing texture and sometimes if you can’t match that wall just shoot the entire wall with a heavy orange peal.
matching texture is a art I am no artist but after a while you figure out the basics of your gun then it is not as hard. Small , small, wet mud should get you there.