I have two existing concrete footers from the previous bridge that are not leveled. I thought about using hydraulic cement to level the top of it. The left side needs to be about 2 inches higher than what it currently is, while the right side can remain the same.
The existing footers are 9 by 47 inches. The are about 3 feet deep into the ground and edge of the creek. The bridge will be made of wood. I used 3 2x12 10 ft long as arched trusses. I will be using 1x6 deck boards as the walking platform and they will be 4 feet long. Mainly foot traffic and a push mower. I just need to level the footers so when I anchor the bridge to it it doesn’t look like crap. I thought about shims but with the left side being 2 inches too low it would look like crap as well. My question is would you use self leveling cement to level the footers or do you suggest a different route?
I’ll add a photo of the footers when I get home from work.