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Door Sweep on door with bowed hardwood floor

My bedroom door originally had a sweep screwed into it, but it was improperly installed and didn’t sit flush with the floor. To make things worse, a mouse chewed through part of it, so it needs ...
Elise's user avatar
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How can I level my basement slab and the adjacent footing for flooring?

Most of the raised floor I can see runs across several walls of my basement. It's slightly varying in height at a few points but I would say it probably averages around 1/4" or slightly more or ...
Soulz's user avatar
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How can I seal between steel framing and a wavy floor slab?

My shop leaks in multiple places because the concrete guy did a horrible job so the steel foundation of the shop is not airtight sealed to the concrete. Trying to figure out the best material to use ...
Bret's user avatar
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Should my roof be level and/or even?

New roof fitted. It not level and even. Roofer says it not there job to level out roof? So unsure if that true or not. I have been told I should of had a joiner level roof before roof was fitted? So I ...
Tracey Whitehead's user avatar
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How can I level an old kitchen?

I'm trying to level my old hardwood floor in my kitchen to install snap together vinyl on top. I sanded most of the high spots but I would like to use floor leveler to get it nicer. I sistered the ...
Micheal's user avatar
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Adding trim when walls aren't straight?

I'm doing a custom built-in in my house and as it being an old house the walls are not plumb. The cabinet is straight, level and plumb, but there's an inch difference against the wall from the top and ...
Phaelax z's user avatar
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