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3 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to add a retorfit ground wire to a (3-wire) Type SE, Style U cable from another branch?

Would it be possible to add #10AWG GROUND from another branch (hot-water heater 30A circuit) in order to retrofit ground and replace a 3-wire receptacle with a 4-wire one to be able to use it for an ...
Matt's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Looking for or adding a ground to an existing NEMA 10-30 socket

I have an unused older 3-wire dryer socket (NEMA 10-30R) in my garage, I would like to upgrade this to a NEMA 14-30 socket with an separate ground. I'll be using this for an EVSE unit for electrical ...
kbyrd's user avatar
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2 answers

Proper way to ground a 240v metal outlet box?

I am replacing the circuit to our stove and am doing the rough in currently. We may one day want a stove requiring more amperage than our current 40 amps and so I am replacing with 6-3 w/ground. I ...
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