I recently bought Dewalt's Oscillating Multitool. (DSC355) It came with (amongst others) a wood blade and a "wood with nails" blade
Today I was using it to replace wooden brick in a parquet floor. It involved slicing down between bricks to cut the dowels that hold each brick into its neighbour, then cutting an angled slot into the brick so that I can get a flat chisel in to get the brick up.
There was a little bitumen on the undersides of the bricks, but I was trying to avoid getting into that with the cutting blade.
After about 2 hours of intermittent cutting, I realised that I was no longer actually cutting with the teeth of the blade, but was in fact burning a slot into the wood - there was smoke coming out of the slots, not wood dust! On closer inspection I found that the blade was almost completely blunt. I switched blades and the other one was gone after a further hour of (non-continuous) cutting.
Wood in question is old (and moderately wood-wormed) columbian pine parquet. Approx 20 mm deep.
- Are these naff blades (and if so, whose blades should I buy?)
- Was I DoingItWrong(TM) (and if so, what should I change?)
- Is this just the norm? (and if so, how have the managed to convince us that this is acceptable?)
Any other thoughts welcome too!