I just bought a new house. The basement is mostly concrete slabs, except for under the porch steps: there is a single row of cinder blocks. It's leaking water from a corner (at eye level) in that area.
They had already injected (something: foamy to touch) through the visible holes and it even came out from the porch steps outside. However, when there was a day-long heavy rain, I could still see liquid water on the wall. There was only 1 day-long heavy rain since I bought the house, so don't have much more observations. We didn't really have heavy rainfall other than that 1 day.
The contractor said that since there are hollow cinder blocks, they will always collect water, and I need to install a weeping tile. He says it's just as efficient inside and outside.
But my question is: if I install the weeping tile inside, then water is still going THROUGH my basement walls, doesn't that create the risk of water freezing and making cracks even bigger?